Submitted by admin on 15 April 2014 - 8:26pm Rose type: LFC over 2mFlower Colour: medium yellowFlower type: DoubleFragrance: 1 to 3 SlightFlowering period: repeatFoliage: GlossyLight greenMedium size foliageUse: Mixed PlantingPillarsSpecimenWalls North facingWalls South facingPlant Height (cm Approximately): 250Plant Width (cm Approximately): 150Year of UK Introduction: 1952Parentage: R.kordesii x Golden GlowBred By: KordesSuppliers: Duchy of Cornwall NurseryDavid Austin RosesTrevor White RosesThe Cornish Rose CompanyBentley West Wholesale RosesPeter Beales RosesGriffins RosesCurbishleys RosesC & K JonesPocock’s RosesRumwood NurseriesMerriments GardensAshridge Trees Limited